Wide Angle – Virtual Exhibition on Hungarian Film History
The National Film Institute (NFI) presents Wide Angle – Virtual Exhibition on Hungarian Film History
From the moment of its birth, Hungarian film has been an important part of our culture, a motion picture imprint of the 20th century. The film history exhibition Wide Angle – 120 Years of Hungarian Film, organized in the Ludwig Museum in 2021, provided a broad perspective on the 120 years of motion pictures in Hungary. The exhibition proved enormously popular, attracting nearly 40,000 visitors from Hungary and abroad. Several hundred private individuals and institutions contributed to the display – curated by the Film Archive of NFI – by loaning film history works of art, motion picture, photography and graphics master copies and international festival awards. This collaboration created an unprecedented and extremely valuable body of knowledge, the preservation of which was considered particularly important. However, it was also vital that this uniquely rich exhibition remain accessible to the general public, researchers, teachers and students even after its closure. Online publication represents a modern solution, allowing the display to be accessible anywhere in the country and abroad, in the long term. This is how Wide Angle – Virtual Exhibition on Hungarian Film History came about. The major milestones of Hungary’s film history, equipment and artefacts connected with the professions making up the film industry, as well as photographs, films, posters, costumes and sets designs providing a glimpse into lesser-known chapters of film history, could be viewed in several rooms originally covering a total floor area of 800 sqm – and now available in the virtual space. We pay tribute to Hungarians who became world-famous and attained significant reputations abroad over the past 100 years. An awareness of our film history must remain a part of general education because Hungarian film reflects the people and environment of a given age, it helps in understanding the past, while at the same time it is a defining element in our relationship to the present and the future.
By clicking ‘Continue’ in the virtual exhibition it is possible to choose between 3D and classic, catalogue form views. Clicking the left mouse button in 3D view lets the user look around; white arrows and circles indicate possible directions of travel. To get topic descriptions in Hungarian and English, just click on the walls. Texts and images can be zoomed using the mouse wheel. It is possible to switch rooms and viewpoints using the ‘Panorama’ menu in the top left corner and the map in the bottom left corner. Click on objects and a 2D or 3D picture and description of the object pops up. The white camera icon on monitors launches video material.
All descriptions in the exhibition are in Hungarian and English so anyone not speaking Hungarian can still learn about the extraordinarily rich history of film in Hungary.
The physical exhibition was organized in the Ludwig Museum between 23 July – 14 November 2021 with the support and professional input of the National Film Institute.
KÁEL Csaba,
Government Commissioner for the Development of the Hungarian Film Industry
PÁL Ákos Bertalan
CEO, National Film Institute – Hungary
Director, National Film Institute – Film Archive
Director, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art
Curators: BALOGH Gyöngyi †, BARKÓCZI Janka, BORONYÁK Rita, CZIRJÁK Pál, ERDŐS Emese, FAZEKAS Eszter, HUSSEIN Evin, KURUTZ Márton, LÖWENSOHN Enikő, OROSZ Anna Ida, RÁDULY György, TAKÁCS Rita, TORMA Galina, VARGA János – a Nemzeti Filmintézet – Filmarchívum munkatársai.
Curator Assistants: GESZTELYI Júlia,
KAPITÁNY Regina, KORMOS Balázs, KOVÁCS Adrien, MAKOVI Péter,
SZÜCS Bence, VAJDA Boróka, VARGA Ágnes
Project Coordinator: BARKÓCZI Janka, KOZMA Krisztina (online)
Design: É. KISS Piroska
Graphic Design: BODONYI Panni, SZMOLKA Zoltán
Graphic Design Production: DESSIN Design
Text: BALOGH Gyöngyi †, BARKÓCZI Janka, BORONYÁK Rita, CZIRJÁK Pál, FAZEKAS Eszter, KRÁNICZ Bence, KURUTZ Márton, OROSZ Anna Ida, RÁDULY György, TAKÁCS Rita
Proofreading: DÉKEI Krisztina, HERING Orsolya
Translation: IVACS Ágnes, MIHÁLY Árpád, SIPOS Dániel, James STEWART
Film and Video Technics: BLAHÓ Péter, HUTANU Emil, JÁVOR István, KABÁN Benedek, KERÉKGYÁRTÓ Yvonne, KERÉKJÁRTÓ Mihály, KORMOS Balázs, MÁNDLI Judit, MOLDOVÁN Márton, MOLNÁR János, ORBÁN Éva, SZITA Krisztina, TÓTH Ágnes, TÓTH István
Legal Tasks: Dr. HALÁSZ Annamária, Dr. KANTI Ferenc
Logistics: EISLER Gábor András, HORVÁTH Zoltán, MÁTÉ László Zoltán
Financial Department: FÁBIÁNNÉ Fehér Gyöngyi, HORVÁTH Teréz, SEBŐK-KEREKES Anasztázia, VARGA Margit, VÖRÖS Tünde
Museum Education: DABI-FARKAS Rita, ERDŐS Emese, HEMRIK László, SOMOGYI-ROHONCZY Zsófia, VARGA Zita
Technical Department: BÍRÓ Márton, BODOR Béla; Ifj. BODOR Béla Benjamin, INÁNCSI Zoltán, PORUBSZKI Ernő, TAKÁCS György, ZELENA Albert
Conservation and Collection Care Department: BRADÁK Soma, FEIGL Fruzsina, MÁTYÁS Viktória, MOLNÁR László
Film, object and photo legacies: BALOGH Béla, BACSÓ Péter, BANOVICH Tamás, BÁN Frigyes, BERENDIK István, Michael CURTIZ (KERTÉSZ Mihály), CSERNA Brigitta, FARKAS Zoltán, FÁBRI Zoltán, GAÁL Franciska, GAÁL István, GAÁL László, GERTLER Viktor, HUSZÁRIK Zoltán Alapítvány, JANKOVICS Marcell, JESZENSZKY Tibor, KARÁDY Katalin, KATONA Jenő, KATONA Piroska, KEÉRY Panni, B. KOKAS Klára, Henry KOSTER, KOVÁCS Gusztáv, KRUPKA András, LAJTA Andor, LÁNG Rudolf, LÉVAY Béla, LOHR Ferenc, LUGOSI Béla, Auguste és Louis LUMIÈRE, MACSKÁSSY Gyula, MAKK Károly, MIALKOVSZKY Erzsébet, MAY MAYUS Tivadar, MIHALIK István, MINGOVITS Tibor, NÁDASY László, NOSEK János, Joe PASTERNAK, PÁGER Antal, RAJK László, RENNER Endre, ROMVÁRI József, ROSZIK Gyula, RÓNAI Gyula, SCHÄFFER Judit, SCHUSTER Vilmos, SULKOWSKY Zoltán és BARTHA Gyula, SZELECZKY Zita, SZÉKELY István, SZILÁGYI Attila, SZITA Miklós, SZOMJAS György, SZŐTS István, Andrew G. VAJNA, VASS Károly, VAYER Tamás, VÁGÓ Nelly, VERES Gábor, VICZE Zsuzsa, WEYGAND Tibor, ZOMBORY György
With thanks to: ANTAL Istvánné Edina és RADÁK Eszter / Magyar Képzőművészeti Egyetem; ÁBRAHÁM Levente, GYURÁKOVICS Norbert és VARGA Éva / Rippl-Rónai Megyei Hatókörű Városi Múzeum; B. MÜLLER Magda; BACHMAN Gábor; BAKI Péter / Magyar Fotográfiai Múzeum; BALAI Zsuzsa; BALDÓCZY Csaba; BÁNSÁGI-PÉNZES Petra / Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum; BÁRON György; BENDE Zsófia; BÍRÓ Ferenc / Diafilmtörténeti Gyűjtemény; BOLLÓK Csaba; Frédéric BONNAUD / Cinémathèque Française; BOROS Mária és MIKULÁS Ferenc / Kecskemétfilm Stúdió; BÓDY Vera; BUCSÁNYI István; BURAY Zsuzsanna; CAKÓ Ferenc; CSÁKÁNY Zsuzsa; CSICSAY Claudia; CSIPES Antal; CSOSZÓ Gabriella; DEMETER Miklós; DEMETER Szilárd, CSISZÁR Mirella, LOVAS Lilla és PÉTER Zsolt / Petőfi Irodalmi Múzeum – Országos Színháztörténeti Múzeum és Intézet; DETTRE Gábor; DÉR Asia; DOMONKOS Sándor; EISENMANN József; ENYEDI Ildikó; FARKASHÁZY Tivadar; Julien FARAUT / Institut National du Sport, de l’Expertise et de la Performance; FÁBRI Péter; FEKETE Ibolya; FERNEZELYI Márton és SZEGEDY-MASZÁK Zoltán; FOKY Emma; Thierry FRÉMAUX / Institut Lumière; FÜLÖP József / Moholy-Nagy Művészeti Egyetem; GADÁNYI György; GALLÓ Gusztáv; GAZDAG Gyula; GÁSPÁR Miklós; GERÉB Anna; Linda GOLDFARB; GROÓ Diana; GYARMATHY Ágnes; HALÁSZ Gábor; HENRIK Irén; HILDEBRAND István; HOLLÓ LELESZI Krisztina és TEMPLE Réka / Cinemon Entertainment Stúdió; HUDÁK Ilona; HUSZÁR Mónika; HUSZÁRIK Kata; INKEY Alice; JANCSÓ Nyika; JÁVOR István; KALÁSZI György; KARDOS Sándor; KENDE János; KENDE Tamás; KLOTZ Miklós; KOLLARIK Tamás; KOLTAI Lajos; KONKOL Máté; Bob KOSTER; KOVÁCS Ildikó és TÓTH Ágnes / NFI – MAFILM; KOMÁROMY Gábor; Milorad KRSTIĆ és ROCZKOV Radmila; Béatrice LE PASTRE / CNC; LISZKA Tamás / Budapest Film Zrt.; LISZTES Edina; LUGOSI LUGO László; Lynne LUGOSI SPARKS; LUKÁCS Dávid; LUKÁCS Péter Benjámin és OSVÁTH Gábor / Boddah; Joe LINDNER / Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Archive; MAKK Hanna; MEDVIGY Gábor; MERTZ Loránd; MÉSZÁROS Márta; MOHOS Angéla; MOLNÁR János; MORVAY Pálma; NAGY Dénes; ifj. NÁDASY László; PAP Ferenc; PÁLFI György; PÁLOS György; PINTÉR Georg; Rainer ROTHER / Deutsche Kinemathek; SIPOS Gábor, STALTER Judit és RAJNA Gábor / Laokoon Filmgroup; SZABÓ Adrienn; SZABÓ Róbert; SZALONTAI Ábel; SZILÁGYI Lenke; SZLOVÁK Judit; ANDRASEV Nadja; KLINGL Béla; KOPASZ Milán; M. TÓTH Géza és BERÉNYI Diána / KEDD Stúdió; NOVÁK Erik; PINTÉR Judit; RAJK Judit; REICHEL Hanna; ROMVÁRI János; ROMWALTER Judit és ROMWALTER Béla „Richy” / Sparks Kft.; RÓFUSZ Ferenc és HAJDÚ Zsófia; RUBOVSZKY Éva; SIPOS Orsolya / SALTO Film; DIENES Dénes; EGERESI Gábor és KOVÁCS Áron / SRK Múzeum; SZALAY Ákos; SZEKFÜ András; SZŐTS Istvánné; TÓTH Luca; TÓTH Tibor; VAJNA Tímea; VÁCZ Péter; VITÉZY Dávid / Magyar Műszaki és Közlekedési Múzeum; ZÁHONYI-ÁBEL Márk
The exhibition is sponsored by Samsung.